Do you perform support on an as-needed basis?
Studies show that proactive maintenance improves equipment longevity, uptime and efficiency, and provides cost savings over time. Since all of our Flat Fee service plans are based on this principle, we do not offer reactive services.
What does your Flat Fee service include?
Our Flat Feee service plans are customized according to our clients' business needs with their I.T. budget in mid. Therefore the services included in the plan vary from client to client. However, typically the plans will include some combination of the following services.
Proactive maintenance and monitoring for all covered equipment, operating systems and applications:
- Patch Management and Service Pack updates
- Anti-Virus and Anti-Spam management, updates, and remediation
- Manage backups and restores
- Disk and memory optimization
- Manage user accounts
- Manage network and Internet connectivity
- Manage firewalls, routers, and switches
Remote Help Desk. LOB/Bench Service and Onsite Service for all covered equipment, operating systems, and applications:
- Servers, PCs, laptops, routers, switches
- Microsoft Windows XP Pro and Vista Desktop Operating Systems
- Microsoft Office 2000 and later versions
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Small Business Server 2003
- Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and 2007
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005
Vendor Management Services. We will manage all of your infrastructure vendors, allowing you and your staff to focus on running your business, not your vendors. Anytime there is a problem with a device or line of business application serviced by a vendor we manage for you, it's one call to us, and we will take it from there, and walk the problem to resolution with the vendor. We will even schedule any onsite visit required by the vendor and oversee the successful remediation of the issue at hand.
Are there items not covered by the monthly Flat Fee service fee?
Example of items that are not covered under our Flat Fee service plans include the cost of replacement or new hardware, shipping costs, or the cost of software licensing or renewal/upgrade fees, as well as the cost of any third party vendor or manufacturer support or incident fee. Whenever the potential arises for additional fees outside of our flat fee, you will be notified in advance for approval at all times.
What other services and solutions do you provide?
We can take care of all of your business needs by using technology solutions to reduce your overall costs, increase your productivity and revenue, and mitigate your business risks as well. The following is just some examples of the solutions we offer:
- Revenue-generating Web development solutions that drive customers to your Web site
- I.T. projects implemnentation
- Temporary and permenant I.T. staffing
- Database application development to improve data retrieval and archival
- Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning to mitigate your risks when disaster strikes
- Cost saving Voice and Data T1 integration solutions
How can I get more information and ger started with your service?
Simply give us a call at 1-877-5-AGILEN (244536), and we will schedule an appointment with you to discuss your particular business needs. In order to make certain that we can help your business, our process begins with a Need Assesment, followed by a Cost Saving Analysis. We will examine the results of these analysis in order to determine our best recommendations to meet your needs.